Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Clearing the veggie garden!

Thanks to Tonia who came in to clear the veggie beds ready for winter planting. Some Emerald Army members went out to help. We pulled out weeds, old veggies that had gone to seed and relegated them to the compost bin. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Butterfly garden

Our butterfly garden is full of swan plants, which means it's full of monarch butterfly caterpillars! Monarch butterfly's have been spotted in NZ for over 100 years! They are being tracked during winter to see where they go. They swarm to Mexico and gather there for many months, sometimes covering whole trees and branches! 

2014 The Emerald Army is reforming!

The Emerald Army are rallying support today to find our Green reps! Each class will choose a rep to form a working group in each class. We want to start planning, weeding, planting, tidying, saving the giraffes.........